Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Revisiting the old to avoid UFOs

Posted by Strlady at 10:48 AM 2 comments
This past weekend I took inventory of my goals this year and realized I wasn't even close to meeting them. Worse than that, I would wrap up the year with a new UFO!! That just could not be tolerated, so I decided to revisit my Bread and Butter quilt. Remember how frustrated I was back in March when this baby got the best of me? Go here for a recap.

I decided to pull off that last border which was so off I could not look at it any more.
I was much more calm and after taking pictures of a few my recent successes, I was bayoued by the boost to my self esteem and slowly attached the border again. It was still off on one corner but it was sooo much better than before.

There is nothing to be done with the wavy blocks but I'm hoping that Margaret at Mainely Quilts of Love can perform a miracle so that it's not too obvious after quilting.

By sending this one off I make sure that I will not end the year with any unfinished quilts.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Round up of August Adventures

Posted by Strlady at 5:33 PM 0 comments
August is a special month in my house.
Two of our girls celebrate thier birthday during the month.

My parent's baby girl opens up the month with a birthday on the 7th.

My baby girl closed the month with a birthday on the 31st.

It was a bitter sweet time for this last one since, after a year of living back home, Dre picked up and moved back to New England to start a new adventure.

In preparation of her wedding we went off to do a bit of bonding before she started her cross country trek to her new home.

I am under strict instructions to not show any of the possible dresses but this one holds a special place in the bride's heart since it was the first one she fell for.

Friday I'll be getting on a plane to visit her, and do some more bonding over Venues, more dresses and bridal shows. I can't wait!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Getting back to business

Posted by Strlady at 8:09 PM 2 comments
It had been raining all week.

Not that I'm complaining since it means that I didn't have to water the sapling we planted in spring.

It's been quite hot this summer and this rain definitely came at a good time. Yesterday we finally got some sunshine which allowed me to take pics of some of my recent finishes.

First up is Sunday Best.

I sent Mary over at Quilt Hollow a few Schnibbles to quilt and I must say, they turned out wonderful! I love these little quilts!

Isn't the quilting just exquisite?

Winter White is up next.

This was the first Schnibble I made, back in September of last year.

I had bought the backing last year but found myself short so I had to use the fabric for the binding to piece it a bit larger.

Swirls were quilted on this piece and made it adorable!

Tagalong was also quilted but I failed to take a picture before it headed off to it's new home at the Pumpkin Patch. I'm hoping that some pictures might be forthcoming after it settles into it's new home.

I also finished Short Story!!!

It is quite large at approx 73".

I love that I chose different background prints since I think it gives the quilt some depth.
I'm waiting for the yardage for the fabric line (Collection for a Cause: Hope by Moda) comes out so I can pick up the backing and send this one out to be quilted. I can't wait to get this one quilted and bound since I'm feeling like this one just might be mine. :)

I'll be back with more but for now, Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ugh... It's already September!

Posted by Strlady at 9:16 AM 1 comments
I am alive and will be posting soon about what I have been upto...

Added some shhhtuff to my stash
Finished Short Story top
Started 25/25
Added binding to three Schnibbles
Baby Girl moved away

It's been busy but productive. I just have not gotten around to chat about it. I'm hoping to get to the chatting in the next few days.

Hope your Labor Day weekend was fun!

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