Back in August, before the craziness began, I put
Beth into the
Images 2011 quilt show.
I had never entered a quilt into a show but when my sister told me that the deadline for submissions to the Images 2011 show was almost upon us, I got a serious itch to send in a picture. I was a bit floored when Beth was accepted into the juried show.
When Beth returned from
Margaret's I was insanely happy. I knew she would not disappoint.
But of course, with quilting like this...
and this...
I could easily accept that she would impress. LOL!
I was still surprised when I received an email letting me know that my entry had won a ribbon!
I was not able to actually see Beth on display, but I sent a good entourage to represent.
My sister who says I'm a REAL quilter
and my daughter was doing her best to document the occasion.
I can't tell you how happy I am with this quilt and how I'm going to be working hard to get my daughter her own wedding quilt so I can have Beth back at home. LOL!