Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Potential for a Quilty Weekend

Posted by Strlady at 11:03 AM
So I'm putting my jealousy for those going to VQF aside and am determined to have a quilty weekend of my own. My parents (who are visiting from Puerto Rico) and my sister/housemate are heading down to San Antonio for the weekend leaving the house to me. I'm thinking this is a great opportunity to put together the Rag quilt I have been working on since all it needs is to put the quilted blocks together and throw it in the wash to make it raggedy

I have a few other projects I want to tackle like the Pinwheel and Posies quilt I had started for Alba but has now become a 'just because' piece since Alba recieved her quilt last Xmas. I also have a few other UFO's in my backstash as well as a few Kits I would like to start.

I'm debating whether to start a new project or work on one that has lost it's appeal. Some of those kits are great weekend projects and I'm all about instant gratification but I thik if I add a few more hours on some of my existing projects I might see more substantial results and get the piece closer to finish.

Oh what to do, what to do?

1 comments on "The Potential for a Quilty Weekend"

Brenda on June 18, 2009 at 5:41 PM said...

OMG! Do you know that I called and they even had ROOMS available at this late date. It's about time the crappy economy paid off, LOL!


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