Monday, April 12, 2010

Weekend updates...

Posted by Strlady at 2:03 PM
I was a bit crabby last Saturday. It was bad. I felt like I needed to crawl back in bed and ask god for a redo. Nope. Cannot blame it on PMS or some hormonal thing. Just plain crabby. I planned to go to the Ft Worth Botanical gardens with some friends and then hit the Bear Creek Quilt Guild show but after I was ready at 10:30 am the thought of waiting on others got me so irrationally rattled I thought it best for all involved that I avoid social gatherings altogether (didn't want to ruin everyone elses day).

My daughter was good enough to weather the fire with me and offered to go to do lunch and a movie. Sounded good to me. Well, the lunch never happened because I had to send the undercooked pasta back twice and the movie was a bit of a let down (saw Date Night and it really didn't live up to my expectations), so I decided to call it a day and GO HOME!

I entertainied myself with a few movie rentals and tried to stay FAR away from the sewing room. No need to share the bad day with my wonderful fabric. I might either cut things VERY wrong or cut off some useful apendages. I will tell you that I could not wait for the day to end.

Sunday was wonderful just to make up for Saturday.

Saw this movie...

FABULOUS! I had no intentions of seeing it.
The trailers did nothing for me but the movie bowled me over!
Laughed like a crazy freak.

I also finished cutting my Two Piece Quilt. Yuppers!

Everything is cut and lined up. If you are familiar with the pattern you might noticed that I have a few pieces cut that are not on the instruction sheet. Well I'll tell you... I'm not a big fan of small loose blocks. The pattern calls for two sizes of 2" strips that will eventually get 2" cornerstone squares attached to them.

I cut the red fabric into a larger 8.5" strips (one 4.5" and the other 7.5") so I can add two neutral strips to each end.

I can then cut the resulting units into 2" strips without ever dealing with the smaller 2" squares.

I get the same end results but never had to cut all that tan fabric into those small squares. I also find that this helps with the accuracy of the final strip.

Downside? It limits your fabric combinations. Since I had a good fabric selection to start off with, this didn't bother me much. I think I would play it by ear when it comes to using this technique for all patterns. This one just worked out well since there were many blocks to make and a good amount of fabric to use.

Overall the weekend was not a complete flop. I got alot done on Sunday to make up for the washout on Saturday.

Oh! Almost forgot...

I also picked up a new Iron on Saturday. My old one (cheap walmart purchase) died within 8-9 months of arriving in the house. I decided to get a 'good' one (Rowenta 8080). Some people love Rowentas and others just hate them. I got a traveling Rowenta iron for Christmas and have loved it, so when I had to replace the home unit, I decided to go with Rowenta again. I find it's much heavier than any other iron I've used in the past and the steam is REALLY HOT, so the work gets done quicker. I'll keep you posted if it's not up to par.

3 comments on "Weekend updates..."

Sasha on April 16, 2010 at 7:16 PM said...

That sucks about your bad day- I wonder why these occur?? Because they do- wise choice about not sewing! On to the matter at hand- congratulations on winning Nicole's giveaway!!! Thats gotta make for a good day! I can't wait to see what you do with them! I also watched your 9/11 video. I remember what I was doing- it affected the whole world and still makes me cry.

Sinta Renee on April 20, 2010 at 11:13 AM said...

Boy, I hope that day is well behind you now and you are back to your wonderful self:) I think that How to Tame Your Dragon movie looks like something fun and lighthearted to see! Good choice.

Unknown on April 28, 2010 at 5:29 AM said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I'm just now getting caught up after doing 2 back to back quilt shows! Your quilt is going to be awesome!


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