Monday, January 10, 2011

Word Up!

Posted by Strlady at 11:30 AM
The Charming Girls are choosing a word that will reflect what we want to see more of in our lives during 2011. It took me a while to decide on a word because I would find a word and then it would slip from my mind... I'm horrible remembering things which is why I am the queen of list!

So the other day I was taking a shower and was thinking that I kept FORGETTING my freakin word (yeah, while I'm in the shower I'm either daydreaming about hitting the lotto, or I can be found recriminating myself for everything I forgot to do the day before). So I thought I'd use the word Memories.. Make more of them by not forgetting so much... but by the time I got out of the shower and was dressed, ready to tackle my day... I had forgotten. :)

So I decided that was too lofty of a goal.

After more thought and a few notes to keep me on track, I decided that the word that reflects what I would like to see more of in 2011 is... Participate.

To take part of more things. I would like to Share more. These are the two key definitions to Participate. I love going to guild but the drive always drags me down. I want to attend more of the meetings, join in more of the activities. I would like to volunteer more and make sure I follow through - not just at the guild but at other events and causes I feel for. I would like to blog more, sharing my life and what I'm up to (this would contribute to more memories I can look back on). I can easily go on and on about how that word could be interpreted but I'm leaving it open so I can grow with it.

What is your word for 2011?

4 comments on "Word Up!"

Anonymous said...

I chose breathe.....I take it for granted.

Darlene on January 10, 2011 at 12:49 PM said...

I chose Heart! Love your word, Sandy!

Thelma on January 10, 2011 at 7:11 PM said...

How wonderful, sharing yourself is the perfect goal for 2011! I always say that my time is my most valuable resource, you'll be giving something worth a great deal, but getting more back in return I'm sure!

Kelly@ Charming Chatter on January 10, 2011 at 8:30 PM said...

Great word - and what a great thing to cultivate in your life! Wishing you much joy as you participate more in the new year!


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