Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hello World!!

Posted by Strlady at 5:00 AM
I have trouble believing that it's been 6 months since I last posted. I have no excuse except the lack of time. Quick recap as to what has happened in the last 6 months... Yes, I can recap it in just a few paragraphs and I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not...

Here we go...

 Last time we chat I had just adopted this little one:

I had gone off to Boston to visit this other one:

When I got back my sister, who has lived with me for the last 7 years, bought a new home and undertook a major renovation of the place. Very Brave. I will say it was worth it since the place went from "really? This place?" to "Awesome space, sis!!".  But there were many, many, hurdles on the way.
Lots of packing and buying new furniture (for me, not her, since all the furniture in the house was hers to begin with! LOL!).

All this happening during the end of year craziness that takes place at work.

I had parents visiting during the end of November through December. My Daughter, Son in law and grand puppy also visited during the Thanksgiving break. I will say, Oreo was exceptionally happy with the yard and the happy company of Penny.

Needless to say, I got barely a smiggin of sewing done.

In November I was able to go to the Dallas Modern Quilt Guild's retreat and I made a bit of a dent in the blocks for Regimental Stars (see here for details on that quilt).

I have made progress on that quilt since that picture was taken. I just need the borders which I hope to add sometime this spring.

As a result of my sister moving out of the house I was able to appropriate one of the bedrooms as a sewing room, so now I have a place I can spread out and leave things ready to sew in the few minutes I have free here and there.

I made this cutting table from bookcases from ikea. My daughter found a post on Pintrest and made one for herself. I loved it but had no place to put one, so as soon as I had a room of my own I made one! I STILL love it.

Over the Holidays I made this cute little iPad sleeve for my sister's iPad mini.

I am officially cured of any thoughts of making a hexagon quilt. Lovely as they seem, putting together those hexies can be trying when you have a tad of carpal tunnel.

Now you are all caught up with life in 2013 around my neck of the woods. Next time, I'll  let you know what I've been up to in the last few weeks.

Nice to be back.
Hope you didn't forget me!
Leave me a comment so I know you are still out there... lol!

1 comments on "Hello World!!"

Brenda on February 19, 2014 at 6:09 AM said...

HUH? But, but , but... well that was a tease; and now I have to wait six more months for an update? Man, that's just not right! LOL


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