Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bali Wedding Star update

Posted by Strlady at 10:15 AM
A few weeks ago I participated in the Word Up Sewing Party. I was so busy sewing, that I never gave an update.

I started with 4 sets out of the 11 that need to be completed

Progress was excruciatingly slow. The process itself is so easy, but it is also very slow.

I actually started making them two at a time because the pace was killing me.

I am still struggling with the Arcs, but I can see light at the end of the tunnel. 9 out of the 11 arcs are completed (when I took the pic the last two arc were missing one color - thus the tail).

Last weekend I went to the last class in the series and we discussed putting the pieces together.

Going from this...

To this.

Everyone at the class wanted to walk out with a block made. I personally had no intentions on rushing through the pieces just to see one made. I told the instructor that since I am so controlling I would need to finish up all my components first before I put together one single block. That way I would know I had all the background colors I wanted and didn't cluster any particular color. She then confided that she had done the exact same thing! I wonder if she said that so I wouldn't feel like a control freak? Hmmm..

I got a lot more of the taupe backgrounds cut (bought some more of these to calm that yellowish undertone that quilt was having). The instructor was nice enough to open the door to another "finish it day" around April - May, which will allow us to work on the quilt and then come in to wrap things up.

It's a long haul but I am really loving the colors and now that the tedious arcs are almost done I think things will move a little faster.

We hope.

6 comments on "Bali Wedding Star update"

Monica on February 22, 2011 at 12:23 PM said...

I bought the kit to make this quilt last year...and I must admit I am a little intimidated by it.

Thanks for sharing your progress.

Unknown on February 22, 2011 at 3:28 PM said...

I am just beginning to gather fabric for my Bali Wedding Star, and it must be completed by October 6th. Your arcs are beautiful. Are you using the kit or just your own fabric. I think I am looking forward to the process, we will see.

Strlady on February 22, 2011 at 3:55 PM said...

@Jerry R. I tried emailing but realized you don't have an email on your comment. Hopefully you check back here.
I bought one pre-packaged set that had 6 arc sets in a relative earthy tone but I built the other 5 sets by buying my own sets. With the left over fabric I was able to pull out some waaayyy too bright strips from the prepackage and just do some general rearranging. I hope you send me some pics as you work on yours and Good Luck!!

Quilter Kathy on March 13, 2011 at 8:29 AM said...

Loved these photographs! I am doing an indian orange peel and am only able to piece 2 arcs at a time. Look forward to following your progress on this one!

Mom on May 20, 2011 at 2:56 PM said...

this quilt will be absolutely spectacular!

Unknown on October 22, 2015 at 2:17 PM said...

Hi, can you tell me the names of your background fabrics. They look similar to mine but i left the list at home and i am trying to buy more. My email is tfor1@me.com. thanks so much.
Terry Forlin


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