I have been reading alot of Young Adult books recently and since I love me some good Sci Fi, this book just screamed to be read. I had seen the previews for the movie many months ago but I did not know that it had been adapted from a book. As soon as I found out I went in search of the book.
The book is penned by Pittacus Lore who is suppose to be an elder from the planet Lorien. In actuality, it's a pseudonym for James Frey who has written many Sci Fi pieces in the past. I found that little nugget of information added to the mystery of this book so I pass it along.
John Smith is one among nine alien children that were sent to Earth when their planet was taken over by the Mogadorian race. They were each sent with a warrior protector that is pledged to their safety. The Mogadorians are tracking them down as a means to wrapup loose ends since their next target is this planet.
The Loric children must be killed in order. If attacked out of order the harm that is inflicted on the child will kick back to the attacker. So the Mogadorians must track each one in it's own time.
We catch up with John as he realizes that he must move AGAIN because his enemies have just found Number Three and he knows that they will be tracking him down next. Moving to the small town of Paradise, Ohio seemed perfect except that he goes and falls for the wrong girl. The girl that the school bully (son of the local sheriff) has his eye on. Oh well!
The book is rich in detail of the world where John and Henri (John's protector/father figure) come from. John starts developing his legacy gifts - powers that are inherent to Loriens but don't manifest until puberty and we get a glimpse of how he has felt detached from his past until these gifts make him look back on his connection to this planet he barely remembers but is destined to die for.
Yes. There is a huge battle in the book that reminded me of the movie War of the Worlds. It was scary and tense and made me think, "Dang, This is good". If I'm on the edge of my seat and stopping the book (I listen to my books) because I'm too stressed out. The book is a winner.
Hey, some people ride roller-coasters. I read a good book!
Last Friday the movie version of the book was released and I went to see it on the first day. I will say that, like most movie adaptations, the book was much better, but.. The movie was very good too. I think they did a fantastic job at twisting things a bit here and there so we could get the excitement of the book within the 2 hour span the movie allows.
The book goes much more in depth as to the conflict within John and his relationship with his planet and protector. It also develops the secondary characters much more. We get to understand Henri as a person and not just as a protector. We see what was sacrificed on Lorien to give these kids a chance at survival. I think that even if you see the movie first, you can still benefit from reading the book. Like watching the Extended edition (or director's cut) on a great movie.
Anyway. I definitely recommend this one to all you Sci Fi junkies.

1 comments on "I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore"
GP went to see the movie. he was excited to learn you had read the book. I think I will pass on the movie and read the book. Thanks for the recommendation.=)
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