Wednesday, May 18, 2011

So much to chat about...

Posted by Strlady at 12:22 PM

I was there last weekend.
I got home on Monday and yesterday had to go to work.. :(
I was not very functional but what can you do?

Before I left I was busy getting ready. I sewed a couple of blouses, but only one made it to market.

My sister gave me this button last year and thought it look super cute on my new blouse.

I also decided on the layout for my Opening Day quilt. I put it away for now but that was quite time consuming. I just could not decide on that perfectly pleasing arrangement. Now that THAT is done, I can pull it out when I have time to put it together.

After I put that away and cleared out my sewing room I felt ready to tackle market and the over load of yumminess that comes with that.

Riley Blake always has the cutest props!

Michael Miller's peeps had some serious energy romping around with capes and playing the superheros.

Gail Pan who is so funny and charming! She is an inspiration to take my embroidery serious.

Aren't those elves just adorable!! I had to have it.

And I met TARA! (Ignore how unflattering the pic is for me - she looks great!). Her new book Simply Charming is just that, simply charming. They are small quilts that are so lovely! The book was on my MUST have list and I was able to have her sign it for me. Notice Two Piece Puzzle in the background. I had to have a picture.

My second favorite "Tara" quilt is Shenandoah Valley. It was just as gorgeous in person than on the pics I saw online. Now, I have my own pattern to make this beauty!

Loved Joanna's booth. That is my sister, Brenda who invited me to go with her and experience all this delicious eye candy.

I picked up this book too (Some Kind of Wonderful - Do you remember that 80's movie? That is also a favorite). It has alot of embroidery projects but they were so very pretty,
I just couldn't help myself.

I also met Camille. She is so cute! LOL! She was super busy but took a moment for a Fan girl and took a picture with me. Her new patterns are going to be a hit! Big Blocks, Big Quilts!

Can I say that meeting Monique Dillard, the genius behind my favorite tool (Fit to be Geese Rulers) was a super treat. I was able to see all the quilts from her new book Fat Quarter Winners and I walked away with my own signed copy! Her new ruler, Fit to be Quarter, is headed to a quilt shop near you and it is a must have in my arsenal of Fit to be "fill in the blank" rulers.

Okay... this post is getting WAAAY too long.

More on Market goodies later.

5 comments on "So much to chat about..."

Anonymous said...

I didn't think your post was too long...I wanted more!!! Tell me more! I don't have the Geese ruler and have been hearing good things about it. I'll have to hunt down the books you mention too! Envy here that you went!!!

Unknown on May 18, 2011 at 3:08 PM said...

Hello Sandy!!!! It was great meeting you - you blog genius! LOL! Love the pics you posted!

Sharrieboberry on May 18, 2011 at 6:11 PM said...

How fun! It looks like you had a fantastic trip.

Yes, this blog was definitely NOT too long. Thanks for all the pics and the report. It's the next-best-thing to being there!

Thelma on May 19, 2011 at 1:06 PM said...

Glad to see that you made it home and had a wonderful time at Market! Great Pictures, I have both those patterns from Sew Unique Creations, our tastes are usually very similar, but when there's red involved, what's not to love?

It was so much fun getting to meet you face to face Sandy, why didn't we think to take a picture!! Next time we'll be better prepared!!

Monique - Open Gate on May 25, 2011 at 10:54 AM said...

Hi Sandy! Thanks for including me in your blog and it was so nice to meet you! You are a sweetheart and hope you enjoy the book!


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