She survived, but you should head over there and hear the story since it was a bit funny.
Her accident reminded me that I had not posted to tell you all about my daughter's recent road adventures. Last summer my daughter finally got her drivers license (she is 22 - a college graduate and engaged - it was about time) and I gave her my old car to get her going. She upgraded to a Jeep Patriot in August and has been a happy camper since.
In October she had a close encounter with someone else's car while she was minding her own business waiting to merge into traffic.. Check out the damage to Kai (we name our cars)
Well on Monday poor Kai suffered severe trauma when Dre decided to avoid traffic on her way to work.
Yep. Not pretty.
The car is in ICU and we still don't know if it will make it through.
Dre is fine but has some heartache everytime she thinks about her baby at the shop.
Me? After getting the call ("Mom, I've been in an accident"), rushing to the scene (less than 2 miles from the house) and seeing the airbag deployed, the radiator fluid all over the pavement and the grill hanging from nothing... I'm just happy she didn't decide to buy the Hyndai Accent over the Jeep.

1 comments on "A Ding?"
hahaha. Talk about yesrterday's news...this one showed up on my reader TODAY: Hello!?
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