It's not often we get snow in Texas but today we saw some of the fluffy stuff. This season we have actually seen quite a bit of it. We had a white Christmas and all that but today... well, it was a bit over the top for Texas.
It is still coming down. Big fat snowflakes to paint our backyard white. I love the look of it and would love it more if the road crews were actually equiped to handle the 6" that has been reported.
With no salt on the road, no plows and people not use to driving in the white stuff , the 6" can be just as dangerous as the 24" seen back east to our commuters. I got to work and then came back home to finish my work day but my baby girl still has some dangerous roads to drive in before she gets home.
All you snow bunnies, stay safe and warm!
Update: Baby Girl is safe at home (made it home in 12 minutes! We live 4 miles from work)

2 comments on "Snow falling on Texas"
Enjoy the scenery. It looks gorgeous and it will melt soon enough. Stay warm! B=)
Wow that is crazy! You have more snow than we do!! Have fun with it:)
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